Kim Bonham - 6-10am
When Kim isn’t obsessing with her smartphone, she is running the front office. When she isn’t doing that or working on a promotion or contest, she’s screwing around in the studio! Hear Kim every morning with Jimmy on 100.1 The Hero.
Kim's Corner

Cat Stand Off
A lot of people coddle their pets . . . but some pets are so spoiled that their owners start to lose their minds. And THIS is a prime example of that: Two women in Canada ordered a Vitamix on Black Friday. It arrived shortly afterward, but they STILL haven't been able to use it, because their three cats won't stop sitting on the unopened box. (???) If you care . . . and admit it, some of you do . . . their names are: Max . . . George, Destroyer of Worlds . . . and Lando Calrissian. The wo...
Jan 11, 2022

Rockin' With Dokken!!!
Thursday August 27th we got a chance to interview Don Dokken about his new album "The Lost Songs: 1978-1981"! We jumped at the opportunity to get to speak to this true legend of the 80's metal scene. All in all we ended up on the phone with him for 32 full minutes!! Dokken has to be a front runner for the coolest hair band front man of all time. We talked about everything from the Lost Songs album, the music scene in the 80's, the differences between the music industry then and now,...
Aug 28, 2020

7 Random Stats On Waking Up
I would like to point out that I am an over achiever in the alarm department. I set at LEAST 3 alarms on a regular day. Sometimes, I add an extra because I know I am not gonna make the first 3 happen. My friend is trying to convince me that I need a sunlight alarm....but the sun isn't going to make me any happier to wake up at 4 in the morning, I can 100% guarantee that one! How do y'all feel about mornings? Do you make your bed, (nope) do you eat breakfast before work (nope again), do you ch...
May 21, 2020
Top Reasons You Want to Stay Quarantined
Any one else just want to stay quarantined forever? Not that I actually got to quarantine, but I can respect these reasons for not wanting to leave the house! Top Reasons You Want to Stay Quarantined. There's just something wonderful about spending all your time at home. Offices require pants. Real pants, like slacks. Ugh. Coworkers can't tell you're drunk on Zoom. Your dog isn't as judgmental as the general public of those who go weeks without showering. You traded your car for a squirt of ...
May 07, 2020

1st Coffee With A Cop
Oct 2, 2019 Jimmy and I had Chief Chris Luco in for our very first Coffee with a Cop segment! Such a fun time! We can't wait until next month when we can bring in another officer! Jimmy and I are happy to be bringing you more real and local morning conversation! Please feel free to give us feedback, we love to hear from you and want to know what you think about some of our Morning Show segments! Message us on you can go to the contact us tab here on the website ...
Oct 02, 2019