Wedding Belles Contest

Get registered now for Wedding Belles 2025 by filling out the contact form
Registration Ends March 14th.
- Any couple in the WESB/WBRR listening area who is to be married this year (2025) is eligible, except, where he or she, the contestant, their prospective spouse, or members of their immediate families are employees of Wedding Belle sponsors or their advertising agencies. In such cases, contestants may participate at all other sponsor locations but are ineligible at their own place of employment. Employees of WESB/WBRR and their families are ineligible.
- The dates of the contest are Mar 31st through June 27th. Any qualifying purchase during this period is valid.
- Points are earned at the scale of one point to a dollar, or fractions of a dollar. For example — with a purchase of $4.25, the designated contestant receives 4.25 points. Every RETAIL purchase at a participating sponsor during the contest can earn points if the ballot is properly filled out at the time of purchase. BUSINESS purchases are ineligible. Maximum points allowed for any one purchase is 2000.
- At the time of purchase, the clerk records the amount of the sale on an official ballot and signs it. The customer fills in the name of the contestant who is to receive the points, then signs the ballot. Ballots not signed by both the customer and the clerk are void. The ballot is then deposited in the official ballot box. Every customer must be given the opportunity to vote at the time of sale. If the customer does not wish to vote, no ballot can be cast. Only the customer is permitted to designate to whom the points will be credited. Any purchases returned, points will be removed from the contestants total.
- Ballots will be collected periodically by WESB/WBRR. No information about point standings will be made available to anyone, except a periodic update on our website of the top ten contestants, who will be displayed in no particular order.
- The Grand Prize of $1500 will be paid to the couple who accumulates the greatest number of points during the contest. In the event of a tie for first place, the money will be divided equally among all contestants tied for first place.
- A number of other prizes will be awarded based on the number of points accumulated. Ties will be broken by random drawing.
- Winners will be announced the week of June 30th, 2025. Winners will be responsible for picking up prizes at the WESB/WBRR office, 1490 Saint Francis Drive, Bradford.
- The decision of the judges will be final. Any questions concerning these rules or their interpretation will be decided by the management of Radio Stations WESB and WBRR.
- You MUST submit a photo prior to the start of the Wedding Belles contest. Your photo can be any photo you would like of you and your prospective spouse. These will be available on our website for people to view and shared to our Facebook pages often as well. They must be submitted prior to the start of Wedding Belles 2025.